Guest Post: DIY Fringe Party Hats


Fringe hats are a favorite among many children, and this is because they have some colorful appeal in them. Making the hats is simple, and the materials needed this purpose are also readily available. The hats can apply for almost any event be it a small birthday party, Christmas celebration or just a small gathering that brings friends or family together to celebrate happy moments. Therefore, it pays a lot if a person as some basic skills on how DIY fringe party hats are made.

The Materials You Need

You must ensure that you have access to a scissor, paper, stapler, glue, elastic, and a template of your preferred hat design. Any paper material you choose must conform to your desired color appeal, and the template is importance just in case you don’t know how to make a DIY fringe hat without making some reference.

Cutting The Paper Into The Desired Cone Shape And Size

This procedure relies on how well you use the template that represents your preferred hat design. The cutting process should present the size of the hat you would want to have at the end of the preparation schedule. Adults can slightly need larger hats than children for the sake of having comfort. The cutting should be followed by the appropriate folding of the resulting paper sheets. The folded paper sheets should be glued along their joining cone-shaped edges to offer some durability.

Adding The Fringe Decorations

The fringe should be attached to the base of the party hat using a stapler. For a better-looking party hat, some little fringe can be applied at the top of the hat, and gluing should be done appropriately to allow for a reliable sticking.


Knowing how to make a DIY fringe party hat can give you a peace of mind especially if you are planning for celebrations such as birthdays. Besides, you won’t have to worry about spending money on the hats since you can make them on your own. The procedures are simple, and you can have more fun if you invite your kid to offer some help. For more ideas go visit Pinterest.

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